Healthcare is a Human Right Campaign for Maryland

The Maryland chapter of PNHP, in collaboration with two other groups including Healthcare-Now of Maryland, continues to support and participate in the work of the Health Care is Human Right Maryland campaign.

Our overall objective is the same; we are building a strong grass roots movement in the state of Maryland for single-payer health care; and an organization that is powerful and based on the human rights principles of universality, equity, transparency, accountability, and participation. In short, health care needs to be a public good.

We need your financial support to continue funding our organizer position as well as to pay for other necessities including office space and an improved database (Nation Builder).

Your contribution is tax deductible and is made to the Maryland Chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), a 501(c)(3) organization under the IRS code. You will receive an acknowledgement and thanks from PNHP for donating to the Health Care is a Human Right Maryland campaign.

If you want more information about the campaign or wish to get involved, please contact Brittany Shanahann at or (443) 432-5353.

There are two ways to make a contribution to PNHP Maryland:

1. Check: make it out to "Maryland - PNHP" (Physicians for a National Health Program) and mail it to MD-PNHP c/o Dr. Eric Naumburg, 6163 Devon Drive, Columbia, MD 21044.

2. Credit Card: donate securely online here.