Support our grassroots movement for single payer!
The Maryland chapter of PNHP is organizing throughout the state with multiple chapters fighting for improved Medicare for all.
Your support is vital to these efforts. With your help, we can build a powerful movement that will win health and financial security for all Americans.
Click here to make a one-time or recurring donation to PNHP-MD.

Stressed Out by Private Health Insurance? A Clinical Diagnosis
Dr. Quentin Young, long-time national coordinator of Physicians for a National Health Program, wrote "Dr. Carol Paris, a distinguished psychiatrist and a valued colleague in the campaign for single-payer national health insurance, an improved Medicare for all, has written an elegant parody that is really quite serious: the mental impact of private, for-profit insurance companies on our nation's patients and providers/physicians."
Click here to read "Diagnostic Criteria for Private Insurance Induced Stress Disorder — PIISD"
Doctors protest exclusion of single-payer at Senate Finance Committee
Doctors and other advocates of a national single-payer health system - also known as an improved Medicare for All - directly confronted senators at a Senate Finance Committee “roundtable” on health reform today.
Click here to continue reading
HealthCare-Now! Maryland
Formerly Maryland Universal Health Care Network

Donate to the Healthcare is a Human Right Campaign
The Maryland chapter of PNHP has launched the ‘Healthcare is a Human Right! campaign in collaboration with Healthcare-Now! Maryland. We seek a publicly funded healthcare system based on the human rights principles of universality, equity in access, equity in funding, accountability, transparency and the establishment of healthcare as a public good. In other words, single-payer.
Click here to learn more and donate.
Single-payer health care pushed for Maryland
By Larry Carson | The Baltimore Sun
The idea of a single-payer health care system was lost in the debate over the much-amended national health care reform passed by Congress last year, but three Howard County delegates are co-sponsors of legislation in this year’s General Assembly that seeks to bring the idea to fruition in the Free State.
The Md. Health Security Act
Click here to learn more the Maryland Health Security Act (SB206)
Get Active
MD PNHP is looking for speakers and writers to join this important cause.
Click here to learn more!
Where Is My National Health Insurance Card?
Watch PNHP NY Metro's video about single-Payer
PNHP Members in the news
The true problem and solution to high drug prices
By Elizabeth Carson | The Washington Post
What about single-payer?
By James F. Burdick | The Baltimore Sun
Diagnostic Criteria for PIISD – Private Insurance Induced Stress Disorder
By Carol A. Paris, MD | Psychiatric Time
Speakers Bureau
PNHP Maryland now has a speaker's bureau and we are available for grand rounds, conferences and meeting with faith and community groups to talk about single payer and health care reform. If you are intrested in arranging a speaker, please email